Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spider jockey

                                                                 "Spider Jocky"

The spider jockey is a mob from minecraft.This creature is basically a skeleton riding a spider. When you kill one of them, the other one continues to attack you, making this combination very dangerous when encountered. They drop the same items as a  regular skeleton and spider. A spider has a 1% chance to spawn with a skeleton rider. This means that a spider spawner can very rarely spawn a spider jockey. Spiders spawned using Spawn Eggs in the Nether have a small chance(0.8% of the time) of a Wither Skeleton spawning on them. The spider controls the movement, so a Spider Jockey will wander aimlessly in the day and only pursue the player at night or in dimly lit areas when the spider is hunting. However, the skeleton will turn and fire at the player as soon as it sees them no matter the time of day When exposed to sunlight, the skeleton will burn and die like a normal skeleton, but the spider will remain active and deadly. Because a Spider Jockey can only spawn where an ordinary spider can, a spider-proofed area is also Spider Jockey-proof.
File:Wither Skeleton Jockey.png

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