Saturday, November 30, 2013

Basic spanish

This is my Quizlet set that I made it is Spanish. Basic Spanish, go thru them one by one. You can practice, take tests and have fun while studying. Copy and paste the light grey part to go to the website and you can make an account. Also you can make your own set.

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Vampire Squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalis

Its Latin name literally translates as 'vampire squid from hell'. It looks a bit creepy but that's not all it is a interesting animal. want to learn about it? It  is a small, deep-sea cephalopod found throughout the temperate and tropical oceans of the world. As a phylogenetic relict it is the only known surviving member of its order, first described and originally classified as an octopus in 1903 by German teuthologist Carl Chun, but later assigned to a new order together with several extinct taxa. As a phylogenetic relict it is the only known surviving member of its order, first described and originally classified as an octopus. The vampire squid reaches a maximum total length of around 30 cm.). Its 15-cm gelatinous body varies in color between velvety jet-black and pale reddish, depending on location and lighting conditions. A webbing of skin connects its eight arms, each lined with rows of fleshy spines or cirri; the inside of this "cloak" is black. Only the distal half (farthest from the body) of the arms have suckers. Its limpid, globular eyes, which appear red or blue, depending on lighting, are proportionately the largest in the animal kingdom at 2.5 cm in diameter. The animal's dark color, cloak-like webbing, and red eyes are what gave the vampire squid its name. look at the pictures the first one the fossil shows that it is very old species but it is not extinct. you can see the picture in the top right it is how it looks from underneath. The last picture is from the side. they look very cool to me.                                               

                                                please watch this video below:

Saturday, November 9, 2013


A Ghast is a minecraft mob. It can be found in the nether unless you spawn it in. They shoot fire balls you can deflect it with any thing just by punching the fireball, try to air at the Ghast when you deflect the fire ball or it blows up a chunk of the area you are by and sets most of that place where it exploded on fire. Ghast are very large, jellyfish- or ghost-like mobs that float through the air and shoot fireballs from their mouths. They are lava and water resistant. Their bodies are 4 blocks tall and 4 blocks wide with 9 tentacle-like limbs hanging from the bottom and eerie-looking eyes. Even though the Ghast are dangerous and aggressive, they appear to be crying and have patches under their eyes which are actually tear stains. They first appeared in the Halloween. Ghasts are able to spawn above any non-transparent block in the Nether that is not in a nether fortress, as long as there is sufficient space (at least a 4*4*4 space, with the base centered above a solid block), and the difficulty is not Peaceful. They screech which is very annoying if you have volume on. Compared to other mobs, the Ghast has a very long search range and can target a player up to 100 blocks away. When the player comes within about sixteen blocks, the Ghast will open fire and attempt to gain altitude.Ghasts may drop a ghast tear when killed, but this can be hard to collect - because it is a flying mob, the tear may fall into lava or an inaccessible area. Ghast tears are a positive potion ingredient for Regeneration potions, and are very valuable on most servers with economies, so Ghast tears are well worth obtaining.


Venus flytrap

                                                               "Venus flytrap"

       The Venus flytrap is native to the bogs and swamplands of North and South Carolina. The Venus fly traps prey is limited to beetles, spiders and other crawling arthropods. Its normal diet is 33% ants, 30% spiders, 10% beetles, and 10% grasshoppers, with fewer than 5% flying insects. The lobe manufactures digestive juices and an antiseptic juice. This keeps the insect from decaying over the few days it is in the trap and purifies prey that it captures. The bugs can bite back!  In the springtime, the Venus Fly Trap can be killed by the very insects it eats.  Aphids can infect the plant and slowly kill it.  Also, grasshoppers and caterpillars can eat parts of the plant, but this is uncommon.  If one of these insects is bigger than a third of the size of the trap, it can cause severe leaf burn, stressing and killing it while the plant tries to devour it. Venus Fly Traps are health nuts.  If you feed it a hamburger, the protein and fat-based meat will rot the plant, eventually killing it.
Venus Fly Trap